Thursday 24 September 2020

Transform Your Life: Get Organised


How to Break Bad Habits, According to Science | Time

Really organized people are not born organized, they have to cultivate healthy habits, which then help them to stay organized.

So even if you think you are a very disorganized person, you can learn to be organized. From planning things, jotting things down, to ditching the unnecessary and organizing things that matter, you will become an organized person as long as you’re willing to learn and practice.

It takes effort to get results, and not just any effort, it takes smart effort. You cannot expect to achieve anything without doing something. Unfortunately in our society today, people are making an enormous effort to keep themselves busy all day, yet for many they look at what they have done and realised that much of the time had been wasted. They review their day and wonder what they had achieved.

It takes effort to get results, and not just any effort, it takes smart effort. You cannot expect to achieve anything without doing something. Unfortunately in our society today, people are making an enormous effort to keep themselves busy all day, yet for many they look at what they have done and realized that much of the time had been wasted. They review their day and wonder what they had achieved.

Transforming your life involves going beyond the way you live, co-creating a better life for yourself, and changing the way you live. You do this by using your thoughts, visualization, words, faith, actions, or a combination of them.

Many people want to change some aspect of their lives. Others prefer to transform their lives by making significant, lasting changes.

Transforming your life involves going beyond the way you live, co-creating a better life for yourself, and changing the way you live. You do this by using your thoughts, visualization, words, faith, actions, or a combination of them. You use them to change some of what is happening within you and in your life, to co-create what you truly desire, and to live differently.

This process begins from within and results in significant changes in you and your life. As you change, your life will also change. You will have a better life. Your better life can be your best life ever -- the life of your dreams. If you are going through a major challenge or several challenges, they may seem to go on forever, but as day always follows night, so too your breakthrough will follow your challenges. So what do you have to do?

Organization:  Better Health

Pick a sustainable plan to weight-loss and better health | Brainerd Dispatch

Get in the habit of doing this on a daily basis and your mind will thank you.  Once you have accomplished the goal of organization, you free up your mind to take on other more enjoyable tasks, such as actually going for that walk at lunchtime. 

You become healthier, less stressed and this, in turn, triggers more positive events, including increased confidence, an improved outlook, and possibly even a promotion or better job offer. 

You are paving your own destiny because you took control and got organized.

I grew out of that customer service position after two years and went on to achieve higher goals. 

The lessons I learned there and the confidence I gained led to me to a job assisting the power brokers of a multi-billion dollar start-up and eventually, a Hollywood actress. 

My family often jokes that I already have the trip planned before it is even decided where I’m going. That, my friends, is what I call being organized.


Organization: Self-concept

Self-Concept Linked to Math Performance | Institute for Learning and Brain  Sciences (I-LABS) 

Have you ever asked yourself, "Who am I?" You are not your name. You are not your job title. You are not your body. You live in a body. What do you think about yourself? For many, these are deep questions. There is a tendency to believe who others tell us we are and this can limit us. Spend some time finding out who you really are and then change the concept you have of yourself to that of the real you. When you do this, you will change, and when you change your life will also change. 


Thursday 10 September 2020

How Do you React?


Dealing with irresistible forces can be very time consuming and emotionally demanding. Those strong emotions can easily distract you from acting in the ways necessary to turn the irresistible forces into your favor. 

Stress Awareness Month - How Do You React? - Bariatric Weight Loss Surgery  News and Info

When the emotions divert you from pursuing your own or your organization's best interests, you have just experienced a stall (a bad thinking habit that delays improvements).

When you are faced with an incident that is new to you, how do you react?
How do you react when things don’t go quite like you expected or wanted them to? When you feel when you have been blamed for something that wasn’t your fault? How do you react? How do you react when you stop at the junction and the car behind doesn’t and drives into you? How do you react when your child gives you his/her school report which is not as good as you expected? Do you look for the reactions from others before you do anything? Do you gauge your success from the reactions of others?

Our natural human instinct is to react to external stimuli—what would it take for you to convert your reactions into responses?

There is a huge difference between a reaction and a response. Suppose someone walks up and punches you in the arm; your reaction is to punch them back. But if you pause, even for a few moments, the incredible computer that is your brain can take stock of the situation. What is your history with this person? Are they joking or serious? Is there a flight option? And within a few seconds, you can craft a thoughtful response.  

When you react, you get what you get. When you respond, you are more likely to get what you want.

Human response to disasters has been recorded throughout human history.[citation needed] In ancient times disasters were often perceived as a result of a deity, divine being, or spiritual creature showing their displeasure over human behavior.[citation needed] This later changed as humans began to see disasters as natural events that caused physical destruction and social chaos to individuals, communities, and societies as opposed to responses to human actions.

The term "disaster myth" has been created to describe the belief that people will behave in an irrational, uncontrolled, and even extreme manner outside of normal and accepted social standards despite evidence that proponents state prove otherwise. Proponents of the term further state that people will only act irrationally in the direst of circumstances when terrible danger is imminent and no avenue of escape appears available. They argue that these disaster myths cause a negative impact when they cause people, officials, and disaster-relief organizations to make detrimental or incorrect disaster planning and response decisions.

Test: How do you react in unpredictable times? | Psychologies


Each of us reacts from a place of our real self or fear. When you react from a place of fear you can only be destructive to yourself and others. You can only give yourself pain.

Do you have feelings of anxiety? Does your stomach go into knots? When things don’t go your way do you become whinny, irritable and moody? Do you find that you react to some things by being angry, upset, aggressive or by withdrawing from the scene totally?
After a bad period at work do you find it difficult to sleep? Difficult to eat, difficult to concentrate ? Do you find yourself being more and more negative? Or perhaps you suffer internally from stomach pains, back pains, head aches and general aches and pains? Guess what: You are motivated by fear.

Our lives have become so motivated by fear.
Fear of not having enough money.
Fear of losing our jobs.
Fear of Death.
Fear of losing.  

Your reactions depend on your motivation. Your way of thinking. The problem with a fear motivated life is that it keeps you locked into the thoughts and practices you know. The past dominates your life. How do you react? You react how you have always reacted.

Psychologically, irresistible forces tend to take us back to our childhood, when almost every aspect of our lives seemed to be controlled by someone or something other than ourselves. While automatic habits of any kind can delay organizational progress, these behaviors become much more harmful when they arise because of strong emotions. The magnitude of irresistible forces will often cloud clear thinking with negative emotional reactions that are experienced by those who have to lead and manage. And the danger is increased by the tendency of the individual or organization to be immobilized by the magnitude of the power involved when first perceiving the irresistible force.

Dads Teach the Bible: How Do You React to Failure?

If you think that something is the right or a good thing to do. Do it. Put it into practice. Don't just understand it and think about it, do it. This brings power. This is motivation by the real you. The wish to do things in order to bring out the best in others and yourself.

One way to start to change your motivational state is through meditation. For us meditation is more than just sitting crossed legged quietly in a room bringing peace and happiness to yourself and others. Meditation is an opportunity to recognize the rubbish that is debilitating your life and get rid of it.

“Meditation is a delightful and spontaneous thing to do. It is a continual act of making friends with yourself, you just cannot contain that friendship within you: you must have some outlet, which is your relationship with the world.



Improve your Lifestyle and Achieve your Goals: Mastering your Time

 You’ve really got to learn how to master time if you want to improve your lifestyle and achieve your goals. Time management is not the sexiest of topics—but such is life.  After deducting the “necessities” from the average person’s day-to-day routine, most people honestly have an average of 2 hours and 42 minutes a day to do with what they want to improve their lifestyle...what do you do with YOURS?

22 Time Management Quotes to Inspire You to Achieve Your Goals |


Master Your Time, Master Your Life: The Breakthrough System to Get More Results, Faster, in Every Area of Your Life

For most people, they simply must use their discretionary time more intelligently than many of the activities that are popular to spend your “free” time doing— activities that add NOTHING of value to a life. And, if these people care... if they truly care... about improving their lifestyle and achieving their goals...

This Has Got To Stop!

So, what comes first?  What’s the action plan for getting every second chance out of every minute we’ve got?

There’s this huge lie we tell ourselves that “we don’t have enough time”. There is some truth to do that because eventually one day we won’t have any more time, but right now (right this moment) we have time. There are 24 hours in a day, if you can’t make the most of those hours then time isn’t the problem, you are!
    Many people hate stuff like this. They think you're judging them, or else they think this type of information is not as usable or tangible as the hard-hitting technique.

Make a detailed time list of your entire day from the minute you wake up till the time you go to bed. You have to really see what your time is being spent on in order to see where you can cut back and reallocate (I talked about this in full details in some old articles, you can check it out here).

Assign the amount of time you spend on each of those activities (include time spent watching TV, on Social Media, and any extracurricular activities).

Then start eliminating any activities that do not add value to your life or contribute to your goals. Add up the total time then re-allocate that time to your goal(s).

It seems that we all want a few extra hours a week to get through everything we want to. When was the last time you found yourself saying that you’ll do something when you find time for it? Everyone agrees that time is something we all want more of; more time to get through all our work, more time to be with friends and family, and more time to relax. However, how often do you find yourself rushing around like a headless chicken desperately trying to get everything done. or feeling frustrated and bordering  on rage because you just simply don’t have the time you want?

Feeling stressed and overwhelmed constantly
is not fun at all, so why is change so hard?

We live in a world where we want instant solutions and gratification, but for a price, of course, and the least amount of effort on our part. When we need something to be fixed or changed, it’s easy to go and buy a solution, but what about those problems that aren’t so tangible, like time? Of course, those who master their time have developed skills and learnt techniques, but they all share something else which is the root of their success—a mindset that enables them to manage their time effortlessly. Improving the way you manage your time really starts with the way you view time, your perspective. 

Using Effective Time Management To Improve Your Studying 





Wednesday 9 September 2020

The Correlation Between Your Focus and Success

 Focus is key to success and happiness in life. The most successful people on this planet are highly focused. They pay attention to the present moment and present tasks. This habit ensures they are fully engaged in activities, get more done properly and deal with adverse life events better. Highly focused people are simply mindful. They don’t do many things that many of us might be prone to do.

In almost ALL things the better your focus the greater your success!
The plain and simple truth is your level of focus will allow you to be more productive which of course is a winning formula for success!
Read more to see 3 ways your level of focus contributes to the efforts you invest leading you become both more productive and successful!

In almost ALL things the better your focus the greater your success! In fact this is the biggest 'secret' most successful entrepreneurs have and to what they can attribute their accomplishments! The plain and simple truth is your level of focus will allow you to be more productive which of course is a winning formula for success! 

Here's are 3 ways your level of focus can contribute to the efforts you invest leading you become more productive!


More Effort

It's small amounts of #EFFORT that equal #RESULTS. #thisismyyear  #dontgiveup | Fitness humor quotes, Motivation, Fitness motivation
    Distractions are not an issue when you maintain a high level of focus on what it is you are doing! In the case of the typical entrepreneur, whatever they expect to accomplish will be the direct result of their own efforts therefore they have a serious need to be more productive! In many cases their primary formula for success can be attributed to their ability to remain focused which helps to boost their productivity! It therefore stands to reason that the more productive you are the more willing you will be to continue investing your efforts towards a specified goal!
Highly focused people are not quitters. They know nobody ever succeeded by being a quitter. The people who succeed and live their dreams are those who work hard and persevere through troubled times. The people who succeed are those who don’t quit. People who are not focused quit when things get a little tough; highly focused people get tough when others quit! 

Quick Results

New Enterprise Automation Capabilities from SnapLogic Empower IT and  Business Teams to Deliver Better, Faster Results

 When you consider how you're able to increase your own work efficiency this will obviously result in your being more productive! As a result you are able to reach and even blast through the goals you've set much more quickly due to a consistent and relentless effort! Remember as we've already discussed, due to the fact your frustrations have been minimized, you're that much more willing to continue with your efforts! Ultimately it can be said that this willingness alone is your formula for success since without it nothing will ever get accomplished!

Never underestimate the role your focus plays in the successes you experience be they personal or professional! Being time is a non-renewable and thereby finite resource it is up to the individual to do what it takes to be more productive with how they use it! Of course how productive you are is greatly influence by the level of focus you have which obviously affects the results you get as discussed above!

Better Quality

Quality Locksmith Work Can Be Inexpensive | Foothill Lock & Key

The better your effort the less your chances of making mistakes which can lead to a loss of time and the build up of frustration! The frustration 'factor' alone can be enough to make people quit so whenever you can minimize this feeling the better off you'll be! In terms of having better quality results, nothing can influence this more than the level of focus you are able to maintain on the work you're doing! You will also find that you're able to 'discover' ways to complete many of your tasks in a more efficient manner! It is absolutely amazing what focusing can do for your spirits and your output!

Friday 4 September 2020

Who are my ‘real’ friends? Who are my best friends?

 How should friends be friends? Who are my ‘real’ friends? Who are my best ... is about sharing. Friends share their lives with each other, sadness or ... alike.

Friends': 25 Best Episodes - Rolling Stone 

As defined by wikipedia: Friendship is a relationship of mutual affection between people. It is a stronger form of interpersonal bond than an association, and has been studied in academic fields such as communication, sociology, social psychology, anthropology, and philosophy.

Indeed, quality friendships are extremely important to our general happiness. A 2017 study in the journal Personal Relationships found that the presence of strong friendships is actually more indicative of overall health and happiness in old age than even family involvement and support! The benefits of friendship in general, however, are lifelong. Research has shown that people with good friends often feel happier, less stressed and more like they belong than those without. Having a strong network of buddies also increases self-confidence, plus they provide much-needed emotional support during trying times, like illness, loss of a loved one or divorce [source: Mayo Clinic Staff].

In other words, friendship is wonderful, and much ink has been spilled in citing the virtues of having friends. That's not to say friendship is easy, though. It demands time and effort, and it requires that people put someone other than themselves first sometimes. But in exchange for that work, a friend can provide an immense amount of support and comfort in good times and in bad. Keep reading to learn more about the various types of friendship.

How should friends be friends? Who are my ‘real’ friends? Who are my best friends?

My Best Friend Essay For Class 1 - 10 Lines Essay For Kids

Friendship is about sharing. Friends share their lives with each other, sadness or happiness alike. Friends share their experiences of their lives, bad or good alike.

Friendship is about altruism. Take care of your friends as they would take care of you.

Friendship is about forgiving. Accept each other’s negative aspects and mistakes because everyone has them.

Friendship is about supporting and caring. Be there for them when your friends need you as they would be there for you when you need them. Support comes in many waysHealth Fitness Articles, but mental support is believed to be the most important.

So ask the same question again. Who really are your friends?




Wednesday 2 September 2020

Succes on Your Terms

 A savvy individual once stated, "Nothing has importance aside from the significance we give it." Pretty straightforward, yet significant. Luckily, this thought can be applied to essentially any speculative possible. Acts or exclusions. Spontaneous guidance. Unforeseen results. Indeed, even how we characterize achievement.

5 Steps for Defining Your Personal Path to Success |

Success has to be defined by each person individually. When asking yourself what you will have to achieve to enjoy success, you should really be asking what would make you happy. Not rich, but happy. Success entails more than just financial freedom. Success is a combination of living comfortably and being truly happy with your professional and personal lives. In order to be successful, you must have a passion for what you do and earn a living in the process. 

You can achieve your personal goals and lead a fulfilling personal life if you learn to plan for success but at the same time prepare for setbacks. Preparedness and organization are personality traits that are shared by all successful people. When searching for what success is, remember that success is defined individually and when looking for the perfect formula for a successful life, remember that the best investment is you.

A passion for your work will go a long way in teaching you what success is. If you are unhappy with your professional life, the other areas in your life will suffer as well. Examine your strengths and weaknesses and direct your career in the direction that will allow you to be the most productive. Every job or career has undesirable elements, but by minimizing the time you spend on tedious, repetitive tasks, you will be able to spend more time on the aspects of your job that you enjoy.

Improving your time management skills and organizing your daily routine will allow you to focus on the things you have a passion for instead of being frustrated because you spend a great deal of your day performing tasks that are unpleasant. By effectively utilizing your time, you can increase your productivity and lessen your level of stress. The best investment is you when you are looking for the right ways to improve your career and your personal life.

Never settle for mediocrity. You should plan your daily activities just as you should plan your life. The more time you spend cultivating your skills and improving on your weaknesses, the more you invest in your future and the better you will learn what success is and enjoy it to the fullest. In order to perform and your peak level, you must have passion for the work that you do.

While not everyone has the luxury of working at a job they love, you can learn to make the most of your job and your life if you practice proper time management and remember that the best investment is you. Improving your skills, your relationships with others, and your productivity will give you a feeling of accomplishment and put you on the road to learning what success really is.

The best thing you can do to improve both your personal and professional life is to build upon your strengths and work to enhance your weaknesses. The best investment is you when you are looking to discover what success is. When you are happy in what you do, have a passion for life, and accomplish your goalsFeature Articles, you will enjoy success and financial security. Success is not measured by a standard formula. Each person will have to determine what he or she wants to achieve and decide what success means to him or her individually.

Tuesday 1 September 2020

Manifest Your Dreams

 For every one of us, the universe is extraordinary. A vagrant may see the universe as unreasonable, hard and extreme. A rich man may see the universe as an exquisite spot brimming with extravagance and delight. Both of them are seeing a similar universe, it is simply unique in view of their impression of it and their background.

The Four Step Formula For Manifesting Your Dreams 


This is a principal key to comprehension, to realize that how you see the universe is the manner by which it is to you. In the event that you feel it is brimming with dread and scorn, at that point it will be. In the event that you think it is loaded with affection and joy, it is. Utilizing a portion of the procedures examined in this article, you can begin to reinvent the manner in which you see the universe and transform you!

Sometimes to achieve something you never have, you have to become something you've never been. This could be another propensity or new outlook, it's upon you to discover what will assist you with accomplishing your objective.

Law of Attraction: Manifest Your Dreams in 5 Steps - Centre of Excellence

You can consider it a dream, an objective, a fantasy – whatever it is to you. Pick something you realize will improve your life, bring you bliss and a feeling of happiness. Consider your longing to make this vision a reality, get into that mentality and put that out into the universe.

 Consider how frequently you have dreaded something occurring and afterward it has. For instance, you may be stressed that you are going to knock your vehicle, and afterward you do. Was it a feeling or did you make it? Contrast this with the measure of times you have anticipated something and afterward it has occurred. Usually the fear is a much stronger emotion and focus, which causes the object of that dread/thought to show significantly more rapidly.

Obviously, thought and conviction doesn't simply make the universe on an enthusiastic and mental level, yet additionally on a material level. We may expect that we are bad with cash and consequently we are definitely not. You can utilize your will and spotlight on showing things that you need to encourage your existence with. Recollect that you can just show things you trust you can have. You may want for a million dollars, however except if you truly trust you can have it, you won't get it.

Truly believe in what you’re putting out there and what you’re trying to attract into your life. Envision yourself in that situation, holding what you are trying to attract, being what you’re trying to attract. Put yourself in that place, notice how it makes you feel and set the intention that this will be in your life. Re-structure your mindset or habits to encompass the feeling behind this vision. Create reminders of this goal – simple, subtle reminders that will give you that feeling on a daily basis.

You should know that things are not simply going to drop out of the air and land on your lap, however on occasion they may well do so, actually just as allegorically. Some of the time takes a while for what you need to show to show up. At times it requires confidence and persistence on your part. It may be the Universe is trying you to check whether you truly need it and will truly commit yourself to getting it before you get it. You can't kick back and sit tight for what you need to show.

There is a maxim "God helps those who help themselves". This is valid. At the point when you are showing it is basic that you tune in to your instinct and follow your senses. It additionally relies upon whether what you are attempting to show is on top of your life's motivation or not. On the off chance that it isn't, at that point you have a daunting task to show it. Likewise, in the event that you show for egotistical necessities and with your personality, at that point it isn't probably going to work. It works best when you show for everyone's benefit, magnanimously, and from your higher self.

When dealing with showing make sure to keep your psyche open concerning how it will show up in your life. For instance, a significant number of us might need to show more cash. We have a psychological program that says, "more cash implies I need to work more". This isn't really obvious. You may show more cash from an advancement, a raise at work, a difference in work or vocation, from an opposition win, a legacy, and numerous different ways. You should be available to this supposing that you intellectually limit the manners in which the Universe can give to you then it will be a lot harder for what you need to come into your life. Tune in to your instinct too in light of the fact that it will help control you. You may get the desire to purchase a paper out of nowhere. You get it and notice the specific vehicle you need available to be purchased in it. Our instinct is from our higher self and will manage us on the off chance that we hear it out.

Trust the universe and believe in your vision.  Obsessing over it is sometimes not the best way to manifest – don’t be too demanding, pushy or set deadlines. Be open to the way this vision may manifest itself and openly invite whatever may come your way

Transform Your Life: Get Organised

  Really organized people are not born organized, they have to cultivate healthy habits, which then help them to stay organized. So even i...